Ding All Sun Cure Polyester Ultra White Filler

Ding All Sun Cure Polyester Ultra White Filler
A faster method for filling all types of dings, especially larger voids where foam needs to be replaced. Sun Cure® Ultra White Filler resin is used straight from the tube, no mixing or adding q-cell needed. Our proven formula is very UV stable and provides a permanent repair. A polyester top sealer coat is suggested after the white filler has been sanded. Not for Epoxy Repairs. Cures within 5 minutes then is ready for easy sanding. Kit contains 2oz. SC polyester White Filler resin, 2 grit sandpad, applicators, coversheets, instructions.
“Video Describing Differences between each Ding All and SunCure Repair Kits”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NadxRdqcVXE
“Sun Cure Web Page”: http://www.suncure.com
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